
Customer: Primetals Technologies Austria
Country: Austria
Role: Consultant
Period: 2024

Waste heat behind electric steel furnace

170 TPH, 42 bar, forced circulation


Customer: IWB
Country: Switzerland
Role: Consultant
Period: 2024

Multifuel boiler Volta/Basel

30 MW, 76 bar, 450 °C, oil/gas/wood dust


Customer: Termoflorestal
Country: Portugal
Role: Consultant
Period: Since 2022
Customer: Primetals Technologies Austria
Country: Austria
Role: Consultant
Period: 2022



Customer: Fussenegger Textil
Country: Austria
Period: Since 2020
Customer: Dieffenbacher
Country: Deutschland
Role: Consultant
Period: Since 2020

Bio mass plants for

  • Lithuania (50 MW)
  • New Zealand (36 MW)


Customer: Metso:Outotek
Country: Germany
Role: Consultant
Period: Since 2020
Customer: Pörner
Country: Austria
Role: Consultant
Period: 2021
  • 250 t/h, 80 bar, 520 °C
  • Ljungström APH


Customer: Sapp Klagenfurt
Country: Austria
Role: Consultant
Period: 2021

45 t/h bark boiler

100 bar, 500 °C


Customer: Bernegger
Country: Austria
Role: Consultant
Period: 2020
Customer: Wien Energie
Country: Austria
Period: 2020

Simulation of waste incineration boilers and BoP for air preheater optimization.


Customer: INTEC Engineering
Country: Germany
Role: Consultant
Period: 2020
Customer: OMV
Country: Austria
Project: Superheater optimization
Period: 2019

250 t/h, 75 bar, 515 °C


Customer: Laminex Queensland AS
Country: Australia
Project: Concept study
Period: 2019

Concept study: CHP for MDF board production

3-10 MW el, 20-50 MW nominal fuel power


Customer: UPM Laakirchen
Country: Austria
Project: Start-up control optimization
Period: 2019
Customer: Mimsan Malatya
Country: Turkey
Project: BFB Biomass
Period: since 2018

27 MW el und 40 MW el


Customer: Scheuch
Country: Austria
Period: 2019
Customer: Vorarlberger Landeskrankenhäuser
Country: Austria
Period: 2018
Customer: EVN
Country: Austria
Period: 2019
Customer: SES Tlmače
Country: Slovakia
Role: Assessor
Period: 2018 – 2019
Customer: RAUCH Fruchtsäfte
Country: Austria
Project: Optimization of steam boiler network in red bull plant
Period: 2018 – 2019

3 x 15 t/h natural gas & biogas firing


Customer: Ottakringer
Country: Austria
Project: Steam production redundancy
Period: 2018 – 2019

New steam boiler, natural gas, 10 t/h, 8 bar


Customer: MM Hirschwang
Country: Austria
Project: Optimization of process steam supply (residue-fired boiler and natural gas, 5 + 20 MW)
Period: Since 2017
Customer: Mondi Richards Bay
Country: South Africa
Project: Optimization of process steam supply (biomass and coal) (65 MW)
Period: Since 2017
  • 2021: new power boiler
  • circulating fluidized bed
  • 190 t/h, 480 °C, 84 bar


Customer: Heizkraftwerk Altenstadt
Country: Germany
Project: Optimization and renewal of biomass components (40 MW)
Period: Since 2017
Customer: Mondi Syktyvskar
Country: Russia
Project: Tender 2 x 450 t/h new process steam supply
Period: Since 2017
  • 2 x 450 t/h new process steam supply (natural gas and mazud)
  • 2 x 85 MW el ST & BoP


Customer: Mondi Syktyvskar
Country: Russia
Project: Consulting for water treatment 600 m³/h full desalination
Period: Since 2017
Customer: Vorarlberg Milch
Country: Austria
Project: Modernization of the steam supply
Period: 2017
Customer: Blue Energy Europe
Country: Germany
Project: Biomass CHP plant 100 MW (fuel input)
Period: since 2016
Customer: Joint Stock Company Mondi Syktyvkar
Country: Russia
Project: Biomass CHP plant 200 MW (fuel input)
Period: Since 2016
Employer: Seiko-Flowcontrol GmbH
Country: Czech Republic
Role: CTO
Period: 2015 – 2016
Employer: FH Vorarlberg
Country: Austria
Role: College teacher
Period: 2002 – 2005, 2015 – 2016

I am teaching fluid mechanics at the technical University of Applied Sciences in Vorarlberg / Austria.


Customer: YARA Environmental Technologies GmbH
Country: Austria
Project: Technical Consulting
Period: 2015 – 2016
  • Boiler recalculation for SCR upgrades
  • Boiler design for waste fuel combustion


Customer: Kelag Wärme GmbH
Country: Austria
Project: Technical Consulting and Analysis
Period: 2016
  • Consulting and concept for thermal ORC-process on hot water
  • Blackout analysis for a biomass boiler


Customer: Finnfjord A/S
Country: Norway
Project: Boiler plant damage analysis
Period: 2015 – 2016
Customer: Biomasse-Heizkraftwerk Ilmenau GmbH
Country: Germany
Project: Technical consulting
Period: 2015
Customer: Steag New Energies GmbH
Country: Germany
Project: Consulting
Period: 2015
Customer: Biomassekraftwerk Lünen GmbH
Country: Germany
Project: Performance improvement
Period: 2015
Employer: FH Liechtenstein (today: University of Liechtenstein)
Country: Liechtenstein
Role: College teacher
Period: 1988 – 2001

I taught the following subjects at the technical University of Applied Sciences in Liechtenstein:

  • Turbomachinery
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Thermal machines
  • Thermodynamics


Customer: HTL Dornbirn
Country: Austria
Project: Education concept for secondary technical school
Period: 2015
Employer: Bertsch Energy GmbH & Co KG
Country: Austria
Role: Managing director, technical director
Period: 1979 – 1985, 1991 – 2014

1999, I became technical director for the industry sector at Bertsch Energy. My priority areas were:

  • Development of solid fuel boiler systems for electricity and heat generation
  • Build-up and further development of waste heat technology downstream of
    • CHP plants
    • thermal processes with high-dust exhaust gases
    • CO and H2 processes

2003, I was entrusted with the position of the technical executive manager which I held for 11 years. In addition to the technical management of the company, one of my key activities was personally supporting our sales team and maintaining excellent contacts with our international customers. In order to facilitate a sound transition to my successors, I worked for Bertsch as a senior consultant for half a year after that.


Employer: Energieinstitut Vorarlberg
Country: Austria
Role: Energy Consultant
Period: 1989 – 1990
Customer: Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce
Country: Austria
Role: EUREM Lecturer (Industrial waste heat utilisation)
Period: Since 2011

EUREM stands for European Energy Manager and is a supplementary, international training programme in energy utilisation. Up to 30 engineers from public administration, industry, energy providers, etc. participate in this programme every year.
